Black Lightning is a Russian superhero film about a Moscow University student who discovers that his otherwise unremarkable car can fly. After his...
Black Lightning
A young writer brings a collection of short stories to a big Moscow publishing house. The manuscript stays at the office and mysteriously influences...
Short Stories
Friday. 12
A young artist gets into a scuffle with bikers after dabbling in graffiti on the subway. This altercation costs him a trip to Italy, and he is sent...
In this sequel of Lovey-Dovey Andrey and Marina are exchanging bodies again - but this time with their children.
Lovey-Dovey 2
Москва. Голоса ускользающих истин
A horror about conjugal duty.
The three main characters of “Stepney” are the manic hipsters of the future, the golden youth. In order to catch the crowd, they decide...
Everything that happens could have happened differently. And that's the beauty of life. This is what the film is about. This is a story in which a...
What Do We Do?
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