A bizarre tale of a fictional experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman into a...
Hammer and Sickle
The Groom from Miami
The former policeman dismissed from the criminal investigation Department for abuse of authority, entrusted to engage in the search for gunner...
Serious Game
A love story between a mythical Russian minister and an opportunist TV series actress.
Spanish Actress for Russian Minister
Russia, the early 20th century. Smart underground revolutionaries invented an apparatus detecting sexual impulses. That would let them use the erotic...
The Bomb
Jewelry Case
Бывший папа, бывший сын
A story about first love...
The Grass and the Water
Very nice young women - Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov - came to Crimea to relax. They settle in the Eden Hotel and do not know that according to the...
Hotel "Eden"
Billy is mute, but it hasn't kept her from becoming a successful makeup artist. While in Russia, working on a film directed by her sister's...
Mute Witness
A Russian agent is sent to a mission in Chile as a punishment. While there, he continues his adventures in a massage parlor where he meets Paola - a...
KGB Agents Also Fall in Love
Chapaev Chapaev
We Did It!
A young man meets a woman on Christmas Eve. She notices his rich gift of imagination and encourages him to remember his unfulfilled dreams and...
The Third is Coming Handy
Пять углов
Lida Karyakina is 15 years old. At school, she has constant conflicts, not everything is alright at home. The girl decides to leave school and go to...
Different Girl
The priceless treasure “The Golden Phallus” - a unique work of art of the ancient civilization of the Indians of South America - turned...
In Search of the Golden Phallus
A student is trying to build a career in theater using not his talent but looks and sexuality.
Woman's Own