Mortality and death seen through the eyes of a lonely student who has an morbid and albeit naive fascination with death. His teacher, Koichi is also...
Aogeba Tôtoshi
The fourth of the extreme actions that depicts the men who are confronting the war set by the Kansai yakuza who are planning to advance to the Kanto...
Shura ga Yuku 4
Seiji is a third generation "Gosei kai" gang member. He works to build up the group's strength. Meanwhile, a journalist investigates a case that...
Gonin Saga
A fishing boat is attacked at sea by a gigantic, hairy monster. After examining the sole survivor (Kanji Tsuda), scientific adviser Dr Murakami...
Geharha: The Dark and Long-Haired Monster
Five outstanding researchers from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s crime lab are gathered and given powers for special investigations...
ST Keishichou Kagaku Tokusou-han
Rihito, a dancer who has just returned to Japan, joins forces with his childhood friends Haru, Noah, Eugene, Ray, and Dan to save his best friend,...
Two teenage best pals attracted to the same boy end up scrambling his life after he walks into a door and is knocked unconscious.
Hana and Alice