In the spring, male student Makoto Yuki transfers to Gekkoukan High School. However, as he heads to his new dormitory, listening to the music on his...
PERSONA3 THE MOVIE #1 Spring of Birth
The season turns to autumn. The fight of the protagonist and his group S.E.E.S. with the strange monsters called ‘Shadows’ is getting...
PERSONA3 THE MOVIE #3 Falling Down
"The time of destruction is coming ever closer without a doubt. It cannot be stopped." To know death, to gaze at death, to face death. Makoto and his...
PERSONA3 THE MOVIE #4 Winter of Rebirth
A spin-off scenario taking place after the events of the TV special Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku, in which Bardock survives the...
Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock
Mother's lucky day takes a strange turn when a lightning strike leaves her with telekinetic powers. She finds more and more ways to use her new...
Atashin'chi: The 3D Movie