A double dose of fun and excitement unfolds as Lupin III, the world's most loveable thief, does his best to stay one step ahead of the law, as he...
Lupin the Third: Greatest Capers
This short film introduces Semira, a strange boy who comes to play with Ojaru and his chums and bears a marked resemblance to a boy of the same name...
Prince Mackaroo the Movie: The Promised Summer - Ojaru and Semira
Also Known As: Otogi's Voyage Around the World
Otogi's Voyage Around the World
The rural American west is the setting for this OVA, in which a bizarre and brutal attack on a NASA base in Arizona attracts the attention of a...
Vampire Wars
In 2061 CE, humanity's indiscriminate pollution of space has substantially hindered the development of space travel. In response, an international...
Star Dust
Riki finds himself in the town of Misaki, dotted with illegal nuclear power plants and run by a religious fanatic military organization called "God's...
Riki-Oh 2: Child of Destruction
Nobita requests of Doraemon the Moshimo-box and wishes for the world to become a place where the use of magic is possible. Witchcraft replaces...
Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure in the World of Magic
Based on the gag manga by Hisashi Eguchi. Originally released as a feature part of Studio Pierrot's video magazine show Anime V Comic Rentaman...
Hisashi Eguchi's Kotobuki Goro Show
On their way through the Battle Frontier, Ash and friends meet up with a Pokémon Ranger who's mission is to deliever the egg of Manaphy to a...
Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
Codename: Seabat. The most dangerous submarine ever created. Explosively nuclear and manned by a crew that is officially dead, the Seabat is the most...
Silent Service
Golgo 13, Japan's most celebrated and notorious assassin, meets his match in Queen Bee, the leader of a South American liberation army, whom he must...
Golgo 13: Queen Bee
Yuko Kusaka is a Japanese journalist sent to Brazil to do a report on the gold rush phenomenon that seems to be making many people rich from night to...
The Scarred Man
After her village is destroyed and all its residents slaughtered by the evil wizard Gardein and his master The Dark Lord, a warrior known as Lemnear,...
Legend of Lemnear
In 2100, the newly built Bayside City serves as Japan's premier international port. The Angel Arms Company is established by a former policewoman...