An ambitious anthology film featuring segments directed by over two dozen of the world's leading talents in contemporary genre film. Inspired by...
The ABCs of Death
Wracked with guilt over her younger sister's suicide, pretty young karate student Megumi accompanies a group of older friends on a camping trip into...
Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead
Yumiko has been invited by her cousin to spend summer vacation in a rural village. Once they arrive, she is mad to feel very unwelcome by the...
Kazuo Umezu's Horror Theater: Snake Girl
Uzuku Kage," in which a mysterious man who looks like a "shadow" appears behind the back of a woman mentally trapped by her power-harassing boss;...
Tales of Bliss & Heresy
Tomohiro takes his fiance Machiko to his hometown of Aridagawa in Wakayama Prefecture to see his family.Tomohiro’s family includes three...
Tangerines on Cat
The semi-biographical The Extremists' Opera follows the everyday and inner struggles of a women-only alternative theater group delivering explosive...
The Extremists' Opera
"Because this is my last chance ..." Saori Nakazawa (Niigaki Risa)'s dream is to appear in an actress and a movie. For her, who lost her father at an...
Black Film
One night, two people who meet. Their lives, their dreams, their fantasies, their reality melt together.
Sad Lives