With the death of her father, a daughter reluctantly returns to the family temple hidden in the mist covered mountains where dark and forbidden...
Komatsu Midori no suki bokuro
Awkward and withdrawn, Masako kills her sister in an explosion of pent-up humiliation and rage that sends her tumbling into fugitive life.
At a certain high school in Karuizawa, students relied on ordinary local trains for their commute, but with only seven trains running per day,...
Kōgen ni ressha ga hashitta
Rei, the deadly but reluctant assassin for the Zero Division of the Tokyo Police Department, befriends a young man after she sees him cruising a gay...
Zero Woman: The Accused
In this installment of the Zero Woman series, Rei, the number-one assassin of the Tokyo Police Department's secret Zero Division, has been assigned...
Zero Woman: Dangerous Game
Aizome Kyôko no mibôjin geshuku
Mibôjin geshuku: anata mo kashimasu hatsu ijiri
A pair of Tokyo policewomen who pack their own brand of "deadly weapons" do some serious undercover work as they take on the toughest cases the...
Silk & Steel
Koji Tadokoro, the manager of a hot bento shop, lives an ordinary life with his girlfriend Noriko Kinoshita, who works at a nearby supermarket and...
Marukin marubi no kintamashii maki
Mayumi and the other students are suspected of cheating and put in the torture room, where a device is waiting on them. However, this is all a ruse...
Kekko Kamen 2: We'll be back...
Kanako returns from the USA to a troubled mother who witnessed a man leaving a murder scene and is consequently under persistent threat. For the time...
Fine, with Occasional Murders
A teacher sent out by Toenail Of Satan to the prestigious Sparta Academy had students receive the highest-ranked humiliation punishment in the name...
Kekko Kamen 3
A con man and a would-be filmmaking crew force themselves into the lives of two grief-scarred young women. But nothing is as it seems.
The Forest of Love
Anarchic parody of the crime genre set around a bank robbery.
The Bloody Afternoon
Kenji Shimamura has trouble being intimate with his girlfriend Noriko after a lifetime of watching his parents bicker over his father’s...
Family Secrets
Oba Kamon runs a cafe in the Nikko city. One day, a mysterious woman appears before him and leaves behind a message, “In the ring where the sun...
Nikko Story