Detective Kouichi Todome head of the elite Kerberos police squad escapes after the unit is marked for destruction by the government. Three years...
Stray Dog: Kerberos Panzer Cops
In modern day Tokyo, three university students, Negishi Miyako (Neko-chan), Saiki Haruka, and Yamagishi Keiichiro, have magical powers that make them...
Open the Door
A young boy named Guskou lives in the countryside with his parents and little sister. A string of droughts and other natural disasters tear the...
The Life of Guskou Budori
In the year 2029, the barriers of our world have been broken down by the net and by cybernetics, but this brings new vulnerability to humans in the...
Ghost in the Shell
A woman is discovered strangled inside a car, and Inspector Muta of the Yamashita police station hurries to the scene! The relationship between the...
Inspector Muta's Incident Files: Yokohama to Kushiro Field. The Mystery of the Triple Murder That Only Marimo Knows.
A spin-off of Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still Ginrei and Tetsugyu take a wild west trip into the desert to find something that is at least...
Gin Rei's Blue Eyes
In 2099, spaceship Davide is sent to investigate a mysterious object threatening one of Mars' moons only to end up being transported through time and...