The decades spanning story of two very different policemen who rise to power in Hong Kong during British rule, and end up at odds with both organised...
Where the Wind Blows
Hong Kong high school student Chung (Loletta Lee) captured the attention of San Ho during her summer trip to Hawaii, causing him to follow her all...
Porky's Meatball
Wolf is a war veteran who recounts the tale of his legendary youth to a young upstart killer. Flashback to a post-World War 2 time when the young...
Legend of the Wolf
Lucky Stars Go Places, also known as The Luckiest Stars, is a 1986 Hong Kong action comedy film directed by Eric Tsang. It is the fourth film in the...
Lucky Stars Go Places
A suspected criminal mastermind escapes from police custody, throwing the city into turmoil. With the police department now divided, rival police...
Cold War II
Adapted from a sensational real-life case in 2013, the intricate story begins when a young man partners with his friend to murder and dismember his...
The Sparring Partner
Father Lee (Sean Lau) is young and unconventional. He fell into temptation and was sued by Donna (Almen Wong), who accuses him of rape. Lee faces a...
Final Justice
Father Martin has raised many orphans at a Hong Kong Orphanage. After growing up, some have achieved great success; with one becoming a gangster,...
The Group
Super model Mandom (Ronald Cheng) is very famous in the field. One day, he is threatened by someone, asking him not to attend a model competition....
Super Model
Cantonese pop star Ronald Cheng stars as spoiled rich kid Dragon Lung, who spends his days idly loafing with his fellow teenaged trust-fund brats,...
Dragon Loaded 2003
It may be played with the hands but the fist game is a game of the heart. It's a lot like falling in love. There is no sure win strategy, and there...
Nothing Is Impossible
A porn star and a resident of the New Territories use bottles of Viagara to help their respective performance problems.
Mr. Wai-Go
The Yau Tsim Mong area, the core commercial area of Hong Kong, has recently experienced a series of robberies. Many jewelry stores in the area have...
Ultimate Revenge
Mable, the daughter of HK's infamous rogue cop is at a loss when her father's old debts lead to the murder of her mother. With the help of Inspector...
Shades of Rogue
Building designer Bill Chang (Bill Tung) and his family move into a seemingly wonderful house after getting a promotion. However, they were not aware...
Bless This House
Controversial director Angela Chan explores the "La Cage Aux Folles" demi-monde that thrives in today's Hong Kong, but which has never before been...
Chaos By Design
Stephen and his friends Linus and William, all in their late teens, loitering out all day with nothing to do. They steal cars' radios for a living....
Conduct Zero
A witty and thoroughly engaging send-up of both the fast food business and the cut-throat techniques often employed by conglomerates to crush...
Chicken and Duck Talk
Smash Head, an emotionally bankrupt cop who began his downward spiral when he accidentally killed a hostage during a shootout.
The ups and downs of adolescence is sensitively portrayed in this story about three boys growing up in the midst of modern day strife.
Grow Up in Anger
A large family decide that they must find a bigger place because their current flat is too cramped and triads are threatening to burn them down to...
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World Too
From director Philip Yung comes another gripping true-crime drama, this time inspired by the shocking 2010 case of a 15-year-old boy who murdered his...