This fictional story is set in Miyagi prefecture, a decade after a devastating earthquake and tsunami. It follows Mr. Endo, a taxi driver searching...
The Last Passenger
Chūzai keiji SP 2017
A samurai who gets hit by lightning wakes up to find himself on a film set in the present day and starts to work as an extra on samurai films.
A Samurai in Time
The Kyowakai, including Renji Himuro and Yuto Tamura, have advanced to Tokyo. Himuro and Tamura, who are trying to delve into Japanese taboos, hear a...
Unification of Japan 51
The war between the Morisada clan of the Keihin Rengo and the Fujioka Sogyo of the Kurokawa clan seemed to have ended when Yasuda, a young leader of...
The Great Clash - Endless War 2
Yasuda, a young head of the Morisada clan of the Keihin Union, wonders if the murders of his gang member Iwami and his girlfriend were the work of...
The Great Clash - Endless War
A police officer is recruited to a special agency and given a license to kill. He is given a dozen or so young policemen and a bar as a front....
Lone Wolf Cop: The Sex Doll Case
Matsuba Group was dominant in Gumma but an emerging group begins to mess around their territory. Designated as the leader of a branch, Makino swipes...
Yakuza Legacy
GOZEN is a jidageki (period piece) dramas. The word “gozen” refers to a feudal game held in the presence of a Daimyo, described as a...
GOZEN: The Sword of Pure Romance
Benio, a peppy tomboy, is surprised to learn that she has been secretly betrothed by her grandfather to a young officer named Shinobu Ijuin. Because...
There Goes Benio, the Smart Girl
When his brother is taken hostage, loan shark Ginjiro must face his heartless past while attempting to shake the shadowy force threatening his life.
The King of Minami Returns: The Price of a Life
Takarazuka is a gym teacher who wants to work in a girls high school in the worst way, and of course, for the worst reasons. He finally lands his...
Oh! Takarazuka
Sensual love story about a single woman struggling with romance. Director Morikawa Kei won the Grand Prix at the 2015 Yubari International Fantastic...
Love Circumstances for Adults
Juzo Kimura is a wandering Ronin with a past. 15 years later, after winding up in Edo, he becomes a sword teacher to support his wife and daughter....
A romance about a man and a woman who, due to an unexpected event, end up switching bodies. Despite coming from completely different backgrounds and...
Shape of My Heart
Tachibana Shuji (Kazuki Namioka), leader of the Tachibana-gumi under the Anzai-gumi, is a unique figure—a university graduate turned yakuza....
Scars and Codes
A drug deal within Anzai-gumi's territory sparks conflict with the Otsuru Family, leading to the death of the group's secretary, Daimura (Toshiyuki...
Scars and Codes 2