Twelve year old tennis prodigy, Ryoma Echizen attends the distinguished school of Seishun Academy Middle School with his eyes set on being on the...
The Prince of Tennis
Final installment of the V-Cinema Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Trilogy: Another Ending will focus on the characters of Kuroto Dan (Kamen Rider Genm) and Kiriya...
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Trilogy: Another Ending - Kamen Rider Genm VS Lazer
While at the royal ball with Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood finds herself in the middle of a mystery. Can she solve the case before midnight...
Once Upon a Crime
Transfer student Biito “Beat” Mizorogi, talented in fashion design, bring classmates together to stage a fashion show for the school's...
Runway Beat
Shinichi debuted as a novelist at a young age, but his career has been stagnant for many years. He also has broken up with his girlfriend. His day...
Night, Birds Scream
After one of their group is caught for speeding a group of trouble-making teenagers decide to prank the local police officer. It starts with simple...
700 Days of Battle: Us vs. the Police
The Elric brothers’ long and winding journey comes to a close in this epic finale, where they must face off against an unworldly, nationwide...
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Final Alchemy
An omnibus special comprised of five segments.
Tales of the Bizarre: 2014 Fall Special
High school student Noguchi learns that there isn't a single male softball team in the nearby area. He figures if he starts up a softball team, they...
Softball Boys
Based on the comic book by Hiroto Ida
You Still Don't Get Gunma
Nostalgic story that revolves around 'Dogu,' a mysterious clay doll.
A Piece of Dogu
Ex-bandit Komakichi has a random encounter with an ex-ally, Matsuzou. Seeing each other for the first time in 35 years, the two drink and talk about...
Promise in the Shadows