During the one-year memorial of his late beloved father, a soon-to-be father (Hoshi Ishida) struggles to reconcile his feelings of loss and receives...
Farewell Family
One day after school, the serious Ito and the child-like Nishi meet by chance, as each endeavors to remain walking on the sidewalk's white line. As...
Life: Love on the Line (Director's Cut)
21st Century Girl is an omnibus feature that is of the girls, by the girls and for the girls. The work of 15 women directors under the age of 30,...
21st Century Girl
Saki, a high school girl who always skips classes, works part-time as a life adviser.
A World Without Cherry Blossoms
Through philosophical and science themed imagination, Emile questions everything from his teenage years to adult life.
Shuji Tokita (Eiji Okuda) is a film director and a professor at a university. He goes through a difficult time trying to film his new movie. He...
Blood Bead
Michiko used to work as a live-in part-timer at an izakaya, but suddenly lost her job and her house at the same time due to COVID-19 pandemic. There...
No Place to Go
High schooler Haruna befriends loner Yamada, then is drawn into the tangled relationship between him, a model and the girl who loves him unreasonably.
River's Edge
Taxi driver Gion Taro falls in love with one of his female passengers. When he learns that she is a famous actress shooting a film in his beloved...
Taxi Driver Gion Taro THE MOVIE – To All You Deserted Dudes
Shunsaku was paralyzed from the neck down at the young age of 36 by a spinal injury suffered in a motorcycle accident. A blind woman named Hanae...
Just the Two of Us
Screenwriter Goro Kaiba is horrified to learn via Facebook that his wife Ayako is having an affair. Furthermore, her post about the affair has...
108: Revenge and Adventure of Goro Kaiba