"Die Fledermaus" (The Bat) is an operetta by Johann Strauss II, also known as "The Waltz King." The new, extraordinary and delightful musical by...
The Bat (Die Fledermaus) / THE ENTERTAINER!
Takarazuka Star Troupe, 2015. Since Columbus had discovered the New World, the Caribbean became a part of the European history, and the pirates...
Great Pirates / Amour, it's something like...
Takarazuka Star Troupe, 2015. A Musical Fable of Broadway Based on a story and characters by Damon Runyon. Music and Lyrics by FRANK LOESSER Book...
Guys and Dolls
Inspired by Shakespeare's Othello. It is the summer of 1929. With the end of World War I well behind it, New York in America is lapping up the good...
The Lost Glory -Beautiful Illusion-
-- One Samurai from Kagoshima -- Set during the troubled times of the early post-shogunate period, this story takes place in a region known as the...
One Samurai from Kagoshima / Romance!!
A young girl named Chihiro finds herself trapped in a mysterious world inhabited by spirits and when her parents are turned into pigs, she must...
Spirited Away: Live on Stage
2014 Takarazuka Star Troupe Shinjin Koen (Newcomer's Performance) production of Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and...
Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and Glory~ (Shinjin Koen)
The 2012 Takarazuka Star Troupe production based on Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'.
Angel's Ladder
Star Troupe's performance with Disney songs.
Love & Dream