Kenji Fukuma, who was active as a poet, film director, and critic, passed away in April 2023. This is his seventh feature film as a director. The...
Not Born Yesterday
Sennen no yuraku is set in a small community called “Roji” where Kenji Nakagami—one of the most famous novelists in...
The Millennial Rapture
The story of a village woman given the grueling task of looking after (and fulfilling the sexual needs of) her quadruple amputee husband, a Japanese...
Two of the most radical student groups form the United Red Army (URA) and head into the mountains to conduct a training camp. Ideology devolves into...
United Red Army
Transfer student Mizuki is bullied mercilessly by her classmate. Nevertheless, she is always able to maintain her composure. Kirie, who is also...
A timid young woman who lives with her domineering mother accepts an Adult Video scout's offer to "become somebody else" by performing in porn...
Love & Loathing & Lulu & Ayano
Ushibuka in Amakusa City prospered a century ago with its fishing industry and red-light district, but has become Japan's fastest declining city....
Women's Dream of Amakusa: Revitalizing Geisha Town
Mao, who can tell when someone will die when she touches them, offers her own body to dying men. One day, Tachibana, whose wife committed suicide...
Maria's Breast
Mamoru Miyamoto is a book editor and his friend Masao Muraoka is a writer. Muraoka hasn't released a novel since "Aki no Riyuu." Masao has suffered...
Nobody knows where they came from. They parasitize in human beings, take control of them and change their bodies into hideous monsters (Necro-borg)....
Meatball Machine Kodoku
Young women in a small Japanese town look to revive their home's declining fortunes by building a Hawaiian village tourist attraction.
Hula Girls
After four years overseas, Shozo returns to Japan to avenge his yakuza boss who was assassinated by his own treacherous top man, Kurawaki. The...
Yakuza Weapon
On November 25th 1970, a man committed ritual suicide inside the Tokyo headquarters of the Japanese Ministry of Defence, leaving behind a legacy of...
11.25 The Day He Chose His Own Fate
Dead Cook