The year is 2071. Following a terrorist bombing, a deadly virus is released on the populace of Mars and the government has issued the largest bounty...
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
In a utopian society created at the end of the third world war, a female warrior who has been plucked from the badlands begins to see cracks in this...
As members of ESWAT, the elite forces serving Olympus, Deunan and Briaereos are deployed anywhere trouble strikes. Olympus finds itself under a...
Appleseed: Ex Machina
Shin-chan must rescue the adults of Kasukabe when they mysteriously abandon their responsibilities to relive their youth at the new 20th-century expo.
Shin Chan: The Adult Empire Strikes Back
Shin-chan somehow travels back in time, where he promptly involves himself in samurai wars and political intrigue, changing history left and right!
Crayon Shin-chan: A Storm-invoking Splendor! The Battle of the Warring States
Listen to the fragile sounds in this experimental film. Taki, Toto, and Hajime go to a private school where drugs have taken over their lives. They...
All Might and Deku accept an invitation to go abroad to a floating and mobile manmade city, called 'I-Island', where they research quirks as well as...
My Hero Academia: Two Heroes