A unique documentary film produced by a psychiatrist and Yasufumi Nakoshi analyzing the artists participating in "Tori".
A live concert performed on May 19th, 2005 by Boredoms.
Boredoms - Live at Sunflancisco
A rare peek into the working methods of John Zorn. Filmed over a ten year period, this documentary includes live footage of Masada, Naked City,...
A Bookshelf on Top of the Sky: 12 Stories About John Zorn
On July 7th, 2007 at 7:07 PM, Japanese group Boredoms, orchestrated a performance by 77 drummers at the Empire-Fulton Ferry State Park in Brooklyn,...
Boredoms: 77 Boa Drum
A 3 hour Japanese documentary & Live gig video of the Osaka Noise/Weirdo Rock scene in 1994. Includes Boredoms & side projects (UFO or DIE,...
Music For Psychological Liberation
Live performance of the Japanese noise group The Hanatarashi.
Hanatarashi - Cock Aktion
Experimental documentary about Japanese experimental musician Otomo Yoshihide. Includes interviews with multiple musicians, artists, and writers as...