Somewhere on a distant planet, X and Geed were defeated by a pair of black Ultramen who bore their likenesses in appearance. At the same time, an old...
Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes
One day, college student Keiko, who is looking for a job, learns that the person she had feelings for has committed suicide. Keiko wonders if she was...
About You I Don't Know
Contestants in "The Werewolf Game" have to kill each other to win. These contestants have experience in similar slaughter games. Ranko Takano is one...
The Werewolf Game: Lovers
The mysterious Ultraman, Tregear, has suddenly appeared in Ayaka City. Tregear asks what one would do to make their dreams come true, prompting...
Ultraman R/B The Movie: Select! The Crystal of Bond
The time of the New Generation Heroes is drawing to a close. Hiroyuki is being targeted by a dark power, forcing the other Ultra Heroes, from Ginga...
Ultraman Taiga The Movie: New Generation Climax