Set on an alternative Earth, Superheroes are celebrities and a high rating TV show rates their achievements, awarding them points until an annual...
TIGER & BUNNY: The Beginning
The original short animation depicts the growth of a girl and her encounter with a mysterious creature.
Fuyu no Okurimono
What would have happened if the Shiroyasha never existed? Edo is thrown to chaos by a mysterious cause. Sakata Gintoki, now lives in a world where...
Gintama: The Movie 2: The Final Chapter: Be Forever Yorozuya
The film revolves around a mysterious girl named Éclair who appears before Fairy Tail, the world's most notorious wizard's guild. She lost all...
Fairy Tail: Phoenix Priestess
Based on the concept of a bar where ultra monsters relieve the night's worries and cultivate their spirits and perform new intrigues for tomorrow.
Kaiju Sakaba Kampai!
The Bears' School: Patisserie Jackie and the Sweet of the Sun
Once upon a time, in a far, faraway place, there were two lands. The world was divided into an inner land and an outer land. People feared the outer...
The Girl from the Other Side
Kurumi’s heart was broken by the sudden death of her boyfriend in a tragic airplane accident. By melding futuristic technology with the binary...
The story follows an awe-imposing giant named Garon who comes from space to Earth, threatening humanity with extinction. However, a girl believes...
While under the guise of taking his family on a weekend winter getaway, Loid's attempt to make progress on his current mission Operation Strix proves...
The war on terror exploded, literally, the day Sarajevo was destroyed by a homemade nuclear device. The leading democracies transformed into total...
Genocidal Organ
A continuation of the epic adventure of plucky Riko and Reg who are joined by their new friend Nanachi. Together they descend into the Abyss'...
Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul
One hot summer day a little girl gets lost in an enchanted forest of the mountain god where spirits reside. A young boy appears before her, but she...
Hotarubi no Mori e
Hitori 'Bocchi' Gotoh is an introverted girl. During middle school, she took up the guitar, wanting to join a band. But because she had no friends,...