A psycho scientist sent in to inoculate the luscious young student bodies against a new virus makes a little error in judgment, resulting in a...
Attack Girls' Swim Team Versus the Undead
52-year-old Mitsuo Mameda, who was living in the depths of his life after failing to manage a snack bar and being in debt and having his wife and...
Father Actor Z
A crew decides to shoot the spoof ghost sighting documentary Mini-Skirt Adventures by a secluded lake outside of Tokyo, where young men have been...
Siren X
Rie, a housewife, spends lonely days without her husband taking care of her. One day, a middle-aged woman, Mitsuko, visits Rie's house to sell...
Lesbian in mourning Clothes, shameful Mother and Widow
Aiko, a self-proclaimed 23-year-old young lady, was enjoying a conversation with a customer at her favorite bar. Konosuke, a casual visitor, watches...
Naughty Undergarment Thighs Getting Wet
This work is a reimagining of Woody Allen's "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" (2008) in the style of a pink movie. When the heroine (Nao Masaki), who...
Abnormal Experience: Tinkering with perverted Juices
くりいむレモン またの日の亜美
Danger lurks around every corner. A psychopathic serial killer is tying up, raping and murdering Tokyo's sexy young women! Kathy is trying to divorce...
Tokyo Strangler
A sensual coming-of-age drama set in Shonan that carefully follows the trajectory of a woman who is swaying in love. Akiho Yoshizawa, who boasts of...
Akiho Yoshizawa Temptation: Eating Me
This horror film depicts both psychic phenomena and human insanity. Four women gather at a mansion, guided by a ghostly phenomenon posted on "Ghost...
Takashima is a young struggling actor who wants to be a film director. The film follows his chance encounters and career highlights (and lowlights!)...
The Muse
After a nuclear attack in Tokyo, the female population is attacked by infected males who have become sex-crazed zombies, hungry for human flesh....
Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead
Yuka and Makoto study in the same school, they adore one another. One day, their parents announce their remarriage. They become brother and sister...
The Tale of the Affectionate Girl
Ayaka, a former president's secretary, was married to her son Naoki and had a happy day. One day, when Shinsuke, the president and father of Naoki,...
Gifu to shimai: Momojiru ajikurabe
An action figure aficionado named Ryouta finally completes a rare action figure collection by buying a doll in Akihabara. His joy is short-lived,...
Legend of the Doll
After having sexual intercourse with a stranger, Nagi picked up a drunken man, Maki, who was running away from home on his way home. Nagi reluctantly...
Hotetoru-jô: Etsuraku torokenyû
Naoya, an elite office worker who has a lover Hanane who works in an editing production, is thinking of marrying her. However, Hanane, who wanted to...
Konzen OL: Furachi ni nurete
Yukari, a visiting nurse, is a gentle and cute angel in a white coat. Popular from old people to young people, she had a special skill called...
Etchi na taion: Hakui midare nuki
未亡人銭湯 おっぱいの時間ですよ!
Mai, an international flight CA, dreams of a happy married life with a celebrity man, but the reality is harsh and she is having an affair with her...
Cabin Attendat lust flight hip-shaking erotic air currents