The timid, young Asuka is bullied by her classmates. When they embark on a class field trip to Korea, Asuka plans revenge by sending them a cursed...
One Missed Call 3: Final
Based on the first novel, Spring Snow, of Mishima Yukio's Sea of Fertility tetralogy, it follows the troubled and illicit affair between two...
Spring Snow
Hoping to catch a girl's attention, high school students Ken and Adama cook up an ambitious plan. They plan a festival that combines film, theater,...
Tsugumi Dozono works at a large electronics company in Tokyo. She likes to spend long vacations at her grandmother’s house in the countryside....
Her Granddaughter
Aizawa Miharu (Takeuchi Yuko) receives an order to work for Cherry's Airlines from major airline. Cherry's Airlines is a low cost, budget carrier....
Cheap Flight!!
A quiet woman receives a social media request from a middle-school friend, who she doesn’t remember fondly. The two meet at a hotel’s...
Rokuroku: The Promise of the Witch
Kurumi is hired at a high-end hotel, but is instead dispatched to work at fun fair that is connected to the business network. The new work is out in...
Oz Land
Magnet Man
Restaurant owner Kenji Nagata has been stabbed to death. When the police begin an investigation, a bag of human bones is discovered in Nagata's car...
Anthropologist Kumiko Misaki Murder Exam 6
Chaejin works as a tour guide in Shin-Okubo while nurturing showbiz dreams. Meanwhile, talent agent Utako tries to think of ways to promote idols Gun...
Shinokubo Story
Bikuu is a Dark Slasher that receives an order from the Senate to take out a rogue priest that has fallen to the darkness, claiming souls using the...
Bikuu: The Movie
Riko is 27, working as a love simulation game designer, and she no longer has big expectations for a man in her life. One day app company TIMEIS,...
My Long Awaited Love Story
"Northern Wind and the Sun "as a set of divorce trials of a lawyer of exactly opposite style.
Kitakaze to Taiyo no Hotei
Kosuke (Kubozuka Shunsuke), who has no desire to meet new women due to the trauma of losing his beloved wife, is watching a favorite movie over and...
The last scene you loved