Once upon a time, in a certain region of a certain country, there was a castle called "Tomorrow's Castle" surrounded by peanut fields. The...
The Devil and a Princess
Echizen Fukui Domain. Futago Rokubei, who backs down even at the sight of a gecko, is called "Coward Samurai" by others. His sister Kane blames him...
Samurai Rebellion
The quiet life of a mother and her young son living on a farm in Hokkaido is changed by the arrival of a man who ignites flames of romance in the...
A Distant Cry from Spring
"Kin no Tori" is an adaptation of the homonymous fairy tale "The Golden Bird" by Brothers Grimm. A golden apple is stolen from the King's garden....
The Golden Bird
Tora-san returns to his family home to learn that his brother-in-law cannot go to Mitsuo's (Tora-san's nephew) athletic event. Tora-san volunteers to...
Tora-san's Song of Love
A young Felix the Cat and his baby pals find fun and mischief along their travels.
Baby Felix & Friends