In war-torn Japan, the Tokugawa Shogun, desperate to restore peace to his people, orders the assassination of the hostile warlords. A beautiful young...
A group of ruthless gangsters, an unknown woman and an escaped convict have met, in The Forest of Resurrection, the 444th portal to the other side....
A war rages on, its end unknown, covering the world in despair. At a military field hospital, a group of soldiers bring in one of their own, wounded...
The Spear of Longinus
Juzo Murasaki is a young man traumatized by his experience of bullying at school. He returns to his hometown and takes a job on a building site with...
Neighbour No. 13
Tenshu is imprisoned and sentenced to death for murdering the men who raped his girlfriend. However, he manages to survive his execution and is...
The ex-convict protagonist of Versus lives far away from the maddening yakuza when he receives a new visit from the gangsters of the resurrection...
Violence Musou: Subliminal War
Madarame Baku is a mysterious gambler. His nickname is Usogui (literally The Lie Eater). Club Kakerou is the top illegal gambling den, where gamblers...
At the SCRS (Seiko Cup Rally Series), talented young drivers hope to advance to the WRC (World Rally Championship). Atsuhiro Hiyama is the chief...
Over Drive
From prominent Japanese filmmaker Yudai Yamaguchi comes this off-the-wall anthology of three experimental vignettes showcasing the style and wit that...
Tebana Sankichi: Snot Rocket & Super Detective
With Gaoh having stolen the DenLiner and trapping the Imagins onboard, Ryotaro and Hana find themselves trapped in the year 2000 where they meet...
Kamen Rider Den-O The Movie: I’m Born!
The story follows the risque misadventures of three students named Akagi, Miyamoto, and Taniguchi, known by others as the Numa-Kō 3 Baka Trio...
Kougyou Aika Volley Boys
A Distant Cry from Spring (TV Movies). After Tamiko Kazami 's husband passes away, she works their dairy farm. People around her oppose her, but she...
A Distant Cry from Spring
Ninomiya Kinjirou is a biopic follows the life of the eponymous character, an 18th century peasant boy who worked to rescue over 600 poor villages...
Ninomiya Kinjirou
To combat rising crime and terrorist activities in Japan, the Japanese National Police Agency authorizes the formation of a secret motorcycle unit...
Wild 7
Mini-movie featuring characters fom Versus (2000) and a sequel to Nervous (2004)
Nervous 2