When two souls find one another, nothing can tear them apart. Widower Takumi lives a quiet life with his six-year-old son Yuji after the loss of wife...
Be with You
Based on the plot of an award-winning Crayon Shin-chan animated movie from 2002, a boy named Shinichi (Takei) does the time-traveling and meets a...
One year ago, Yūta lost his father in a car crash. Now in the 6th grade, Yūta goes to catch beetles in a dam near a mountain, a place he...
Rainbow Fireflies
Kenta, a young pianist who has just lost his job, is drowning his woes at a bar, when he meets a man in a Hawaiian shirt named Yamaki. He invites...
Heaven's Bookstore
Taishi lives with his father Kazushi. His mother left home when Taishi was very young and he barely has any memories of her. He believes that his...
Boku to Mama No Kiiroi Jitensha
Tange Sazen: Hyakuman Ryo no Tsubo is a remake of a classic 1935 film of the same name by Yamanaka Sadao. Tange Sazen, the one-armd, one-eyed...
Tange Sazen : The Jar Worth One Million Ryo