The second film in the "Suruga yukyoden" series, in which Shintaro Katsu plays Jirocho Shimizu. The film features Omasa, Komasa, Ocho, who will...
The Life of a Chivalrous Man in Suruga: Broken Swords
A pair of blind masseurs, an enigmatic city woman, a lonely man and his ill-behaved nephew—The Masseurs and a Woman is made up of crisscrossing...
The Masseurs and a Woman
1962 Japanese movie
Kureji no Hanayome to Shichinin no Nakama
Kakkoii wakamono tachi
Yume de aimasho
Uta’s mother died when she was six years old; her father she never met. She was forced to adopt a traveller’s life when her grandmother...
Notes of an Itinerant Performer
Gang of robbers quarrel about the loot, but when one of them gets killed, his younger brother seeks them out to ice them one by one.
Get 'em All
Bad Reputation: The Notorious Harbor
A geisha helps a runaway who looks just like her.
The Prickly Mouthed Geisha and the Girl of Osaka
A princess seeks adventure and true love, with help from her loyal servant.
Travels of Hibari and Chiemi 2
Okinu, the beautiful daughter of a feudal lord, discovers her true identity and leaves her lavish life behind to avenge her birth father's death.
Road In the Mist
Young man returns from prison and sets out to destroy the gang that killed his friends and boss of his former gang.
Kanto Drifter
Based on the true story of a 17-year old Atayal girl called Sayun Hayun from Nan'oku village, Giran district, Taihoku Prefecture (in current Taiwan)...
Sayon's Bell
Gonza was a handsome young laborer, a footman and spear-carrier, working hard for his meager wage. All Gonza wanted was to marry his young...
Tragedy of the Coolie Samurai
Hibari no Subete
Hiroshi (Ishizaka), the second son of Nippon Automobile president Tsuda (Ozawa), comes to the company's speed test track every day and drives his car...
Challenge of a Man