This film tells three scary stories that take place in and around a school in Japan. While each of the stories can be viewed independently, they are...
A Frightful School Horror
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2003 Fall Special" presents five tales. 1. *Kagi (The Key) - starring Eguchi Yosuke. 2. Perfect...
Tales of the Bizarre: 2003 Fall Special
On their way to a club practice during summer vacation, four members of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Club, Kasumi, Hotaru, Mayu, and Akane, find a dead...
Kyofu Gakuen: Shinigami Shojo
Five short stories of life's joys and sorrows are brought together in this omnibus drama from Japan.
Life Can Be So Wonderful
Jennifer is a European girl who speaks Japanese a little. She arrives to the funeral in temple in Japanese countryside and meets a boy there. The boy...
Bored with school, 15-year-old Daisuke Kawashima embarks on a pilgrimage to visit the 7,000-year-old cedar tree on distant Yakushima Island. Through...
A Class to Remember IV: Fifteen
Watashi ga watashi de aru tame ni
10 years ago Hide, a college student, meets Yuki Gakuko, an older woman, through work. They become lovers with Hide falling hard for Yuki Gakuko. The...
The Idiots
An ambitious, young freelance journalist takes on the closed case of a famous fine arts photographer whose beautiful female subject died on set in a...
Last Winter, We Parted
Youths taking on the challenge of men's cheerleading is depicted in this coming-of-age drama by GOGO♂ike-men5 writer/director, Fukuyama...
Hi to Shio
Tales of the Bizarre: 2012 Spring Special
The story of an ordinary family where upon the grandmother's death Kanji becomes an alcoholic homebody, Hinako begins acting up and smiling leaves...
Made in Japan: Kora!
Water Boys was a major sliver screen hit in 2001 that took the Japanese public by storm in depicting high school boys who pour all the passion of...
Water Boys 2