The second film in the "Suruga yukyoden" series, in which Shintaro Katsu plays Jirocho Shimizu. The film features Omasa, Komasa, Ocho, who will...
The Life of a Chivalrous Man in Suruga: Broken Swords
Once again we focus on Nami Matsushima. This time she has a sister who goes missing and after getting too caught up in doing something about it, our...
New Female Prisoner 701: Scorpion
Kanako returns from the USA to a troubled mother who witnessed a man leaving a murder scene and is consequently under persistent threat. For the time...
Fine, with Occasional Murders
Based on the manga of the same name by Kazuo Kamimura.
Sachiko no sachi
A Japanese-American college student travels to her grandfather's beloved homeland to see and experience the "real Japan" she has so often read and...
I Am Nipponjin
A depressed middle-aged man takes up surfing after he retires.
Life on the Longboard