A young, depressed man is trying to move on with his life after his girlfriend's bizarre death. One day, a mysterious woman notices him at work and...
Tomie vs Tomie
While combing through the belongings of his recently deceased aunt, Matsuko, nephew Sho pieces together the crucial events that sank Matsuko's life...
Memories of Matsuko
"National High School Photography Championship Tournament", also known as "Shashin Koshien" is an event held annually in Higashikawa, Hokkaido,...
Shashin Koshien Summer in 0.5 Seconds
An apparitions of a young schoolgirl in a yellow rain hat, a family massacre, and a law student's suicide after he fails his bar exam are linked by...
Ju-On: White Ghost
A film depicting the story of Yokota Megumi who was abducted by North Korean agents in 1977.
The Pledge to Megumi