City Hunter, the globally adored hero, becomes embroiled in an adventure that takes him deep into the political intrigue of a Third World country and...
City Hunter Special: The Secret Service
Cobra, a notorious space pirate, is enlisted by bounty hunter Jane to rescue her sister from the strange being known as Crystal Bowie, but then finds...
Space Adventure Cobra: The Movie
Once again, Kaitou Kid crosses swords with Conan Edogawa in this annual installment of the Detective Conan movie franchise. After receiving a letter...
Detective Conan: Magician of the Silver Sky
Once brilliant teenage detective Shinichi Kudo was given a poison that reverted him to a 4-year-old. He's adopted the pseudonym Conan Edogawa so no...
Case Closed: The Time Bombed Skyscraper
Lupin squares off with two criminal families and Inspector Zenigata's new female patrol to track down a hoard of biblical-era treasure.
Lupin the Third: The Legend of the Gold of Babylon
One night, high school student Sho Fukamachi discovers a mysterious metal object. Then in a blinding flash of light, Sho finds that he has...
Guyver: Out of Control
An employee of a bank goes missing following his retirement from the bank. Veteran detective Yobuno (Koji Yakusho), who is set to retire himself, is...