In space, Ultraman Cosmos is battling with Baltan to stop him from invading Earth. A young boy named Musashi (Kounosuke Tokai) who is a 5th grader...
Ultraman Cosmos 1: The First Contact
Light Yagami finds the "Death Note," a notebook with the power to kill, and decides to create a Utopia by killing the world's criminals, and soon the...
Death Note
In the chaotic days of the 1960s, Misuzu, a lonely high school girl from a troubled family, finds sanctuary with her nihilistic brother, Ryo, and his...
First Love
In the second installment of the Death Note film franchise, Light Yagami meets a second Kira and faithful follower Misa Amane and her Shinigami named...
Death Note: The Last Name
Abandoned by his father as a boy, Yuta grows up as the foster son of a restaurant owner and takes over the restaurant at the owner's death. Cheery,...
No More Cry
A love story written by an ordinary housewife is going to be broadcast as a radio drama and almost everyone among the crew insists on changing...
Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald
Swing me Again
Yoko Sakaki: 24 years old. Occupation: Ghost Negotiator. With her tomboyish attitude and severely bad mouth, she helps ghosts leave this world by...
Ghost Shout
In a future where World War II never ended, Japan is decimated by nightly bombings. The only building left standing is known as the Media Station, a...
Hakuchi: The Innocent
A pampered young model is killed in a traffic accident. Given the chance to return to earth, she becomes involved with the advertising executive who...
Tokyo Heaven
Japan's greatest jidaigeki star, Mifune Toshiro is Shogun's Advisor Okubo Hikozaemon who must be coaxed out of retirement to save Shogun Iemitsu from...
The Retired Samurai
A young boy named Taichi Ogawara finds a fox cub on the side of the road and takes it home as a pet. He discovers it is blind, deaf, and mute....
Helen the Baby Fox
At the Queen’s request, Ciel and the demon butler Sebastian host an extravagant dinner party for the who’s who of the London underground....
Black Butler: Book of Murder
"The human whose name is written in the Death Note shall die." After making the hardest decision ever, another serious case confronts L. There are...
Death Note: L Change the WorLd
Kenichi and Satoru join up with three other electric music lovers to form their own band, "The Young and Fresh."
Youth A Go Go!
Rintaro directs a tale of three children who visit a land of wonder. This is the first "3D anime" that Madhouse has produced. Oh, and there are...
Yona Yona Penguin
"Quartet" tells the story of four young musicians as they form a string quartet and pursue fame.
Comedy of high school where students and teachers run wild, based on a popular comic strip.
Shameless School
Magnet Man
The film based on the book by Eduard Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends". Crocodile Gena works in a zoo - a crocodile. Every evening he...