In war-torn Japan, the Tokugawa Shogun, desperate to restore peace to his people, orders the assassination of the hostile warlords. A beautiful young...
In a Japanese school, 5 adolescent geeks join the new sport teacher and take up the challenge to take part in the synchronised swimming competition,...
Sawagura Nobuko is back housekeeping again in this sequel to the 2014 SP! This time around Nobuko, having been given some pearl earrings as a present...
The Housekeeper Saw!
Based on a true story, Shyon (Lee Taesung) travels from Korea to broaden his horizons, studying in Japan he meets Yuri (High and Mighty Color's lead...
26 Years Diary
This documentary-style film recreates the infamous Asama Sanso Incident of 1972 wherein an extreme faction of the Students Allied Red Army holed...
Rain of Light
This horror anthology is featuring nine independent episodes, each 30 minutes long, that are revolving around bad karma and terror.
Prayer Beads
This is the story of a young self-reliant girl called Ai, who one day, moves into the Animal Village. While working at Tom Nook's shop "Nook's...
Animal Crossing: The Movie