High school student Yuki suffers from a chronic disease and has lost hope for living. One day she has a life-changing encounter with Aki, her...
The World of You
Koichi takes care of his sister, who has recently returned from a trip abroad in the United States as she is not well. While caring for her, he...
Paranormal Activity: Tokyo Night
An assassin who is fresh from his latest kill becomes stranded in an island, when he inadvertently befriends a female police officer. As the night...
Legendary Assassin
The highly disciplined human resources manager Taro Onizuka starts to heal and change as he raises the kitten he found in a park.
暁鐘 警視庁強行犯係 樋口顕
High school student Erika is sick and tired of her weakness. By chance, Erika begins working at a cabaret night club. She eventually becomes the top...
Shadow Area
The story follows a high school girl who is a young caregiver. She ends up helping the drama club as a lighting assistant, leading to a conflict...
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