In space, Ultraman Cosmos is battling with Baltan to stop him from invading Earth. A young boy named Musashi (Kounosuke Tokai) who is a 5th grader...
Ultraman Cosmos 1: The First Contact
An alternate version of Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet, which was created due to the arrest of the film's star, Taiyo Sugiura. New scenes were...
Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet - Young Musashi Chapter
It has been a year since Musashi retired from being a Team EYES member and now he is finally pursuing his dream of becoming an astronaut.
Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet
It depicts a young man who challenges a 2600km traverse of Japan from Hidaka in Hokkaido to Kagoshima in Kyushu with Hokkaido horses.
In Love With Him
Investigative Notes of a Taxi Driver: The Black Sunflower Woman
Be Stewardess
Taxi Driver's Mystery Diary 36
In the beginning of the movie, 20 years ago, on the moon, the 4 Ultra brothers, Ultraman, Seven, Jack, and Ace were fighting a deadly foe known as...
Ultraman Mebius & Ultra Brothers
After being hit by Kyouko's car, office worker Hideo starts regularly meeting up Kyouko after the accident. With each meeting their feelings for each...
Hageshii Kisetsu
A bizarre mystery created under the direction of director Jissoji. The mysterious and strange world of Jissoji is brought back to life here!
Akio Jissoji’s Museum of Wonders - Volume of Thoughts
Horror film released in 1991.
Kaiki Senyaichiya Monogatari: Sen no Maki
Kaiki Senyaichiya Monogatari: Ichi no Maki
The ASH (Abnormal Species Humanoid) first appeared in the beginning of the 1980s. They looked like humans, but they weren't. The ASH can be...
Skyscraper Hunting
I Am Sukeban
Taxi Driver's Mystery Diary 38
Investigative Notes of a Taxi Driver: Murder of the Killer
Taxi Driver's Mystery Diary 37 - Mystery of Double Homicides from Tokyo to Hamamatsu
A series of serial murders occurred in a historic ruins where a TV crew is shooting a documentary.
Ultra Q The Movie: Legend of the Stars
A Japanese direct-to-video horror film based in an original story by Go Nagai. It is the sequel to Nagai Go no Horror Gekijo: Mannequin, also...
Nagai Go no Horror Gekijo: Kirikagami
Shuji Kanzaki, who lives in the underworld of Manila, winds up in a fierce battle with Japan's biggest gangster.
Manila Gokudo Wars
Chiaki Onoda a young assisstant sound mixer is unhappy with his job, but otherwise he is enjoying life. He loves his cat, his friends, hunting for...
Crybaby Chacha
Ai is a call girl that makes good money for what she does but there’s always at risk no matter how good the money is. The job makes her feel...
Katsu, who belongs to the Murai group of the Sakagami Union, was frustrated by the distance from the yakuza world he had envisioned. At that time,...
Summer of the Lion Kings
In the year 200X, a number of children are affected by a black hole that alters their genes and causes them to grow abnormally. In order to save...
200X Year: Sho