In Karakura Town, unidentifiable spirits begin appearing en mases. While attempting to deal with these strange souls, Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia...
Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody
Fifth Break Blade Movie. Girge is questioned by Narvi over his surprise attack against Borcuse forces and has him detained so he does not repeat his...
Broken Blade: The Gap Between Life and Death
Immediately following the events of "Ikki tousen: Xtreme Xecutor", the kids from Nanyo Academy head to Kyoto for a school trip. Before long, they run...
Ikki Tousen in Kyoto
It all begins with the story that was left untold—the earth-shattering incident where Renton's father disappeared. With the mysterious pilot...
Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution
The Karugamo High School Baseball Team has not been doing well. After losing badly to the Eagles, many of the players leave, and the team now has...
Azusa Will Help!
A masochistic mobster meets his match in the dark streets of Tokyo. His nemesis, Ichi, is a psychopathic killer with an unrelenting thirst for...
Ichi the Killer: Episode Zero
The city of Edo, the 18th century. Owaka, the daughter of a merchant family, and her childhood friend Matsukichi. The two were drawn to each other,...
The universe of the Halo video game series is expanded in seven short animated films from Japan's greatest anime directors and studios.
Halo Legends