On June 2, 2008, Toei announced on its various official websites that there would be a series of short five-minute internet movies that are spin-offs...
Kamen Rider Backwards-Kiva: Queen of the Demonic Castle
When a powerful new foe known as the Legendorga arises in 2008, Wataru investigates the mystery behind the crisis, which brings him in contact with a...
Kamen Rider Kiva: King of the Castle in the Demon World
Koisuru Anti-Hero THE MOVIE
The 2nd of the Danganronpa live-action adaptations.
Super Danganronpa 2: Sayonara Zetsubō Gakuen THE STAGE
がんばれいわ!!ロボコン ウララ〜!恋する汁なしタンタンメン‼の巻
A young woman tormented by reoccurring nightmares of a black-clad woman committing suicide on the train tracks during a very rainy day. The dreams...
Ame Onna
An ordinary and somewhat unpopular high school boy joins a surfing club in a nowhere near ocean Tochigi Prefecture, while being oblivious to the fact...
Vanilla Boy: Tomorrow Is Another Day
When a friend from his yakuza past gets released from prison, a loan shark and his former-male-host sidekick help the ex-con get back on his feet.
Stray Dogz 4
Kogure Nao is a shy and cute high school student. One day, Onise Taiga asks her "would you like to date with me on the promise that we will get...
A couple of months have passed since the serial murder case. A new dead body is found in the same area. Detective Manabu Kagaya tries to find the...
Stolen Identity 2
To protect his family from a mysterious being, a man joins forces with a journalist and an exorcist - but they come to learn what they are dealing...
It Comes
2015. The last era when magic was still established. The Humane Continuity Guarantee Agency, Caldea, observes a world that can not be seen only with...
Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE: Replica; Agateram
Set in 2036, famous photographer Fujii goes to a museum near Lake Biwa. He remembers a time twenty years earlier where he had believed that there...
Mother Lake