Goro is a sommelier who transforms into the titular Kamen Rider G to fight the former anti-terrorism unit Shade, who captured and brainwashed him...
Kamen Rider G
Many people have spent countless of nights in cheer, in tears, or even in fear, listening to the All Night Nippon radio segment even after 55 years...
Do you still remember that night?
This will be the last. That is why I need to tell you...
If we had met that night
The Matsuno brothers return to the big screen, this time in live-action and portrayed by the members of the Japanese boy band Snow Man! Osomatsu ends...
Mr. Osomatsu
Ibuki Arakuni is a high school student who is far from a model student. He has a childhood friend, Akabane Honeko, who attends the same high school...
Honeko Akabane's Bodyguards
"Tales of the Bizarre: 2024 Summer Special" (世にも奇妙な物語...
Tales of the Bizarre: 2024 Summer Special
Yuma Nakahara is the CEO of an IT company and he is a workaholic. He is focused only on expanding his company. He receives a phone call from his...
A Living Promise
Live action adaptation of the popular novel.
Cellular Girlfriend +