The eruption of Mt. Fuji in 1707 released hordes of demons from deep inside the earth. Sakuya, the young daughter of a samurai killed fighting these...
Sakuya: The Slayer of Demons
In war-torn Japan, the Tokugawa Shogun, desperate to restore peace to his people, orders the assassination of the hostile warlords. A beautiful young...
It was an omnibus work on the theme of the Jizo as a haunting object. It consisted of a horror drama, a ghost story, a talk, and an expulsion...
Occult Jizō
Four years after an alternate ending to the series, in which Blade seals the Joker, the characters have moved on with their lives: Kenzaki is a...
Kamen Rider Blade: Missing Ace
Masayuki meets Nanami, who is on a journey with a refrigerator named Ullie. Nanami's Iranian friend Amir is helping her haul the refrigerator which...
Houkago Midnighters is about a human anatomical model that comes to life at midnight in a school.
After School Midnighters
A widow who has single-handedly raised her autistic son loses her job and begins attending a technical college to gain new qualifications. She meets...
A Class to Remember III: The New Voyage
Moosic Lab 2018 film featuring up-and-coming rock band Goodbye Mio-chan, youtuber Yuki Yomichi, and dancer Reina Kuju
Goodbye Mio-Chan