A clash of cultures unfolds when a young British photographer and her boyfriend make an expedition to the mountains of Georgia, uncovering ancient...
The Village
Back from the brink of death, highly skilled commando Tyler Rake takes on another dangerous mission: saving the imprisoned family of a ruthless...
Extraction 2
Four friends travel to a lakeside cabin for a carefree weekend, but the fun turns into a nightmare when 3 of them end up locked in a hot sauna. Every...
Dmitrij has recently returned to his small Georgian hometown after graduating from a university abroad. His monotonous days drag on, between working...
A Fold in My Blanket
Lifetime friends and neighbors from the same year in Old Tbilisi turn into enemies and confront their fellow neighbor's family when an investor shows...
A weekend in Gudauri turns into a strange and unforgettable journey for four friends.
What Happened in Kyiv
Paris, in a bourgeois apartment, Lumina, an ageless Vietnamese woman, dreams of another life.
An 80-year-old lonely man feels sorry for the loss of his wife and the divorce of his son. One day, his old maid makes a hopeful dream. For her, that...
Le nid
Rezo is a 70 year-old resident of the old people's house. He is tired of the lack of proper food at the institution, so he keeps notes from the local...
Wake Man
A young man searches for his path to God only to find it in sin.
Fight for Redemption
The Role