A story that takes place when an investigative reporting team, which was believed to have disappeared during the Japanese colonial era, faces the...
Jung-yoon was approached by a random stranger named Jun-woo, who told her she'd be dead in six hours. As she follows him for answers, she begins to...
You Will Die in 6 Hours
A desperate hunt by a detective and a scammer who team up to uncover the truth of their own.
The Desperate Chase
While desperately searching for his missing daughter, Hae-kwan comes across an AI satellite robot that remembers sounds from all over the world....
Sori: Voice from the Heart
An aging actress is desperate to become a mother. In menopause and too controversial for legal adoption, she decides to illegally adopt from a...
Yong-ju, Gi-woong and Gi-taek used to be best friends in middle school, but in high school, Gi-woong becomes a member of the gang that bullies...
Night Flight
An ordinary man witnesses a cruel murder and becomes entangled in circumstances out of his control.
The Witness
Korean War, September 1950. In order to fight the enemy forces based in the South of the peninsula, General MacArthur orders the start of the Incheon...
Battle of Jangsari
An anthology produced by the 8th production of KAFA + Next D. The film consists of three pieces: a black comedy, "Chicken Game", directed by Park...
Elephant in the Room