While investigating a terroristic threat that goes viral online, Korean authorities discover that a suspect has recently boarded an international...
Emergency Declaration
A struggling filmmaker finds unexpected solidarity and validation when she takes on the job of restoring a classic 1960s film directed by the first...
A new concept horror IP cross project that turns six selected works out of 19 serial webtoons of the same name (Tastes of Horror) into movies. ...
Tastes of Horror
Takashi, an unemployed young man, is entrusted with a "catch ball shop" by a stranger he meets in the park. While accepting people's feelings through...
The Catch Man
Soo-hyun comes across magical pills that allow him to go back and forth in time. 30 years to the past, young Soo-hyun meets future Soo-hyun and...
Will You Be There
Min-kyung, once a promising young dancer, is now running a small, shabby dance school in town. Her life gets even harder since her entire family is...
Family Matters
In a near future Korea, where an "oblivion virus" which causes memory loss has become the centre of a tourist industry aimed at those who wish to...
The Butterfly
An idle part-time college lecturer is annoyed by the yapping sound of a nearby dog. He decides to take drastic action.
Barking Dogs Never Bite
A struggling musician takes a job teaching music to middle school children in a rural mining town.
A middle-aged man who has recently lost his wife to cancer indulges in fantasies about a young woman at his work, in the new film from Korean master...
A teenager deals with life on his own as his mother lies in a coma.
The Peter Pan Formula
Three old friends who used to be part of a rock band reunite at the fourth member's funeral. They decide to band back together with the deceased's...
Happy Life
As the first snow falls in Seoul, two old friends reunite; one is a successful college professor, and the other, a struggling filmmaker recently...
Woman Is the Future of Man
A hospital caregiver tries to stop an unidentified female ER patient, in a brain dead state and pregnant, from becoming a heart donor for a VIP...
Suddenly they woke up. Not knowing who did it, 6 of them got up in the same place. The survival game for 6 people with nothing in common has begun.
Memento Mori
Young-ju lives with her little brother after losing her parents in a traffic accident. She would even give up her studies to care for her brother....
Mira in her late 40's has been living in Paris for around 20 years. Having just divorced her French husband, she decides to visit Korea, and meets...
A French Woman
Two rival detectives with different methods try to solve the murder of a missing girl after discovering her mutilated body in the tidelands of...
The Beast
A young man works at the bond collection call center. He is polite, pure and sincere at a glance. On the other hand, the director of the center is...
Light for the Youth
In real life, Kwon Yoo is unemployed, but in the virtual game world he is the best leader. Kwon Yoo is then framed for a murder. With the help of...
Fabricated City
A Letter from Hiroshima explores themes of apology and remembrance. Suwa sends a letter to a Korean actress (Kim Ho-jung) he has worked with in the...
A Letter from Hiroshima
When her daughter falls into a temporary coma after an accident at her home in Winnipeg, Sara, an overbearing Korean mother travels from Seoul to...
The Mother and the Bear