Over the course of a single day in four vignettes, a group of interconnected artists, novelists, and filmmakers have a series of interactions, some...
Long Day
Three years after the expiration of the ten year statute of limitations, police detective Ryoo Yi-jae meets the man who killed his son in a hit and...
The Glorious My Revenge
Divorced mother Yoo Rim (Yoo Seon) lives with her teenage daughter Eun Ah (Nam Bo-Ra), who is having a tough time at her new school. She has a crush...
Don't Cry, Mommy
A teenager is abducted and forced to tell the scariest tales she knows, leading to this anthology of four stories: a brother and sister are under...
Horror Stories
A class of students stays at school for a camp in an elite study group to finesse theirs and the school's grades. Upon the first night, the swimming...
Death Bell 2
Kyung-chul is a dangerous psychopath who kills for pleasure. Soo-hyeon, a top-secret agent, decides to track down the murderer himself. He promises...
I Saw the Devil
Seven girls become good friends in high school, then events pull them apart for 25 years. When one of the friends lies dying in a hospital, she...
A unemployed father, due to his laziness, is supported by his wife. Their daughter decides to put their lazy dad up for rent on a secondhand site.
Dad for Rent
Betrayed and on the run, a former North Korean agent tries to seek revenge on the man who killed his wife, find his missing daughter, and uncover the...
The Suspect
Mute Moon-young records people's faces with her small camcorder on the subway. One day, she avoids her drunk father at home and films Hee-soo who is...
A man with criminal past makes a promise to his mother to turn his life around after he realizes how miserable he has made her.
A Diamond in the Rough
A beat cop and his rookie partner investigate a series of killings that seem to be carried out by a mysterious wolfdog.
Four different couples have a romantic week over New Year's Eve. Both coming out of failed marriages, Ji-ho and Hyo-young are not open to the...
New Year Blues
Young-Jae (Ryu Soo-Young) was involved in a car accident two years ago. He lost his memory from the accident. Now, Young-Hae runs a used bookstore...
A Faded Memory
Bok-Nam (Park Yoo-Sun) is an elementary school student who feels like she just doesn't fit in. She lives with her family that consists of her...
Last Flashman
Trained in the skills of sea power, Pi the fish can fight a shark, sink a squid or batter any random predator that ever threatens his friends and...
The Reef 2: High Tide