The story begins with the tale of a classic Korean story of romance about a princess named Pyun-gang whose husband, On-dal dies. Then we flash...
Marrying School Girl
A young man is on a quest to beat the game and rescue the Little Match Girl from the hands of the corporation that operates the game, but can he...
Resurrection of the Little Match Girl
Seok-tae runs away with a huge diamond of his gang and comes to Sisily, a peaceful village. Yang-e runs after him to get the diamond back and finds...
To Catch a Virgin Ghost
When Joong-pil, the biggest bully in his high-school by far finds himself harboring feelings for a classmate, his entire identity is thrown off...
Conduct Zero
Five people are invited to a remote doll museum and one by one they are mysteriously killed. The survivors find out the truth: dolls have spirits,...
The Doll Master
Jung-Jin is a criminal profiler and he came from the FBI in the United States. Yoo-Min is a detective and he graduated from the top police...
Untouchable Lawmen