A struggling filmmaker finds unexpected solidarity and validation when she takes on the job of restoring a classic 1960s film directed by the first...
Min-sang, a meticulous planner and tidy single man, is frustrated daily by his tenant, Jin-young, a veterinarian who turns his newly mortgaged...
Dog Days
Ji-woo, an outcast at a prestigious private school, meets Hak-sung, the school janitor who is actually a mathematical genius who defected from North...
In Our Prime
Young-il is a plotter who manipulates murder-for-hire cases to look like accidents. Nobody knows those accidents are in fact perfectly plotted,...
The Plot
In a future world, the 'Wonderland' service – which uses AI to replicate people who have died – has become widespread. Baili signs up for...
Young-ju lives with her little brother after losing her parents in a traffic accident. She would even give up her studies to care for her brother....
Set against the haunting backdrop of a small lake town, this chilling thriller unravels a meticulous revenge set over a period of 7 years, all...
Seven Years of Night
Returning from eight years abroad at work and in prison, Jeong-il struggles to reconnect with his wife and their young daughter, Ye-sol, whom he...
In the 15th century, despite so many accomplishments he has made for the people, King Sejong, his biggest goal is still remaining; the invention of...
The King's Letters
Second Lieutenant Han Sang-yeol leads his platoon during the Korean War in the early 1950s. He carries emotional scars and pain within. So when he...
A Melody to Remember