Vignesh Shivan, working on his debut directorial venture, unknowingly moves to a haunted apartment, becomes sleep deprived and depressed due to...
An aspiring filmmaker, Guru, plagued by recurring dreams of a magical book and a serpent, ventures into a mysterious forest palace. What unfolds is a...
Maya Puthagam
Paraman and his sister Kanmani, who are in dire financial straits, angrily refuse to advise their father Vinayakam to sell their house. When the news...
Three couples from different economic backgrounds find ways to fix their relationships.
Three young men plan a heist but find the bank already hijacked by elderly men. The public supports the elderly, exposing corruption among bank...
Based on the game of Chess that delves into the conflicts and confrontations of people between the rich and poor class and high and low strata of...
Three youngsters in a resettlement colony that houses people displaced from their neighbourhood because of gentrification try to chart out a life for...
A naive and uneducated youngster, who earns living by beekeeping in a forest, gets the shock of his life when his wife is diagnosed with a rare...