The story of missionary Graham Staines who was martyred in India in 1999. “The Least of These” shares the story leading up to the murders...
The Least of These
Arjun and Karna, two happy-go-lucky friends who have resigned from their jobs, start a bad news delivery service and one of their assigments ends up...
Moone Moonu Varthai
Siddharth and Priyanka fall in love and marry without their parent's consent. They are soon separated and Siddharth searches for his wife with the...
Konjam Koffee Konjam Kaadhal
When a middle-aged filmmaker meets an alluring stranger at a party, he's haunted by troubling memories of his past relationships.
X: Past Is Present
Ra which means to Take away in Ancient Tolkappiyam , an apt title for the film which revolves around the lead character Ajay and his quest to find...
The story begins with a group of friends: Sridhar, Chandana, Nandini , Mahesh, Bhakti, Jessica, Kishore, Scud. Each of them have their own stories...
Thakita Thakita
Rudraba, daughter of Ganapatideva, the emperor of the Kakatiya dynasty, was officially designated a son through the ancient Putrika ceremony and...