When the evil Empress Geela takes over the Planets of the Pentangle, five teenage princesses escape and disguise themselves as musicians to form a...
SpacePOP: Princess Power
The Ugly Duckling is the heart-warming, and sometimes heart-wrenching, story of a little "ugly" duckling. Ridiculed and laughed at, the Ugly Duckling...
Hans Christian Andersen Animated Classics: The Ugly Duckling
The Hans Christian Anderson tale gets a new treatment, this time with a rat trying to exploit the talents of a little ugly duckling for profit.
The Ugly Duckling and Me!
It's the end of the world. A flood is coming. Luckily for Dave and his son Finny, a couple of clumsy Nestrians, an Ark has been built to save all...
Ooops! Noah Is Gone...
The story 11-year-old Luis who makes friends with three loveable little aliens, who crash their UFO into his house. In return for Luis' help in...
Luis and the Aliens
Two misfit castaways struggle to reunite an unorthodox family, out-run a volcano, and negotiate a peace deal on a creaking Ark.
Two by Two: Overboard!
Niko the reindeer joins his father in Santa's Flying Forces, but when Santa's sleigh is stolen by an acquaintance, Niko must find it in time for...
Niko: Beyond the Northern Lights