The story of Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1653), one of the first well-known female painters, including her youth, when she was guided and protected...
On the outskirts of civilisation, three young women, Magalie, Marie-Steph and Barbara live a desperate life together. Drowning in alcohol, they both...
On the day Jean Gabin dies, a kidnaper who also takes a fortune in jewels heisted from Cartiers murders Simon Verini's wife. (Simon was fencing the...
Gentille Alouette is a 1990 French-Chilean film written and directed by Sergio Castillo. Geraldine Chaplin stars as an actress in Paris that is...
Gentille Alouette
The wife of a famous composer survives a car accident that kills her husband and daughter. Now alone, she shakes off her old identity and explores...
Three Colors: Blue
Two physicians, one old and one young, fall in love with the same woman, Juliette, a quixotic hairdresser. First, she is with Raoul, the older one;...
Malady of Love
Antoine is now 30, working as a proofreader and getting divorced from his wife. It's the first "no-fault" divorce in France and a media circus...
Love on the Run
Following the assassination of President Marc Jarry, a member of the investigation committee refuses to sign off on the committee's final findings.
I... For Icarus
Jeanne d'Arc has succeeded in lifting the siege on Orléans and Charles VII has been ordained King of France. However, she is injured in her...
Joan the Maid II: The Prisons