This heart warming adaptation of the timeless novel tells the story of the courageous stallion Black Beauty, a well-bred horse in the 19th century...
Black Beauty
A puppy encounters a series of tragedies and losses brought on by the evils of uncaring humans as she tries to find a family and a place to call home.
A compilation of several Battle of the Planets episodes with a new story and uncut death scenes.
Battle of the Planets: The Movie
When strange accidents happen at the factory where Mr. Monroe works, and vegetables are drained of their juices, the neighbors as well as Harold the...
Bunnicula, the Vampire Rabbit
Young Alice returns to Wonderland and is on her way to be crowned Queen, but she must dare to cross Chessland first. On her exciting journey, she...
Alice Through the Looking Glass
When Rupert and his friend Amelia find the new substitute teacher doing odd things, they discover that she is actually a witch with a magical talking...
The Trouble with Miss Switch
One dark and stormy night, Rupert is called on by a mysterious stranger who gives him a ship in a bottle...with a tiny living man onboard! He frees...
Miss Switch to the Rescue