A young female ex-convict tries to put her life back together again and keep her anger management issues in check, by plunging headfirst into the...
"Old Cow Vs Tender Grass" tells the story of Moo (played by Henry Thia), a taxi-driver in his late 40s, and how his routine life changes when he gets...
Old Cow Vs Tender Grass
A romantic comedy usually involves a handsome man and a pretty lady. But what happens when it's a 'manly' woman, and a 'womanly' man? One day, a...
When Hainan Meets Teochew
Mr Unbelievable tells the story of Eric Kwek Hock Seng, who takes it upon himself to the symbol of national pride. As his Shifu’s Getai...
Mr. Unbelievable
When a mysterious virus breaks out in an isolated army camp, a lazy reservist soldier and his tough commander must work together to survive, and...
Two men write anonymous love letters to test if their wives are faithful. When their wives actually respond, the two men are left in a fix of what to...
18 Grams of Love
The stories of three people looking for love and physical connection are interwoven in playfully raunchy tales revolving around condoms.
After the countdown to the new millennium, stranger Ke Qing bumps into Zhu Er (Joanne Peh) as they fight for a cab. They end up sharing the same cab...
Love in a Cab