A traveling couple end up in an abandoned Nebraska town inhabited by a cult of murderous children who worship a demon that lives in the local...
Children of the Corn
Set in Middle America, a group of teens receive an online invitation for sex, though they soon encounter Christian fundamentalists with a much more...
Red State
A group of oddball high school students find themselves trapped in detention with their classmates having turned into a horde of Zombies.
Detention of the Dead
Clear the runway for Derek Zoolander, VH1's three-time male model of the year. His face falls when hippie-chic Hansel scooters in to steal this...
Evan Reed is the best motocross coach in the country. After leading his daughter Callie to the national championships, he decides to set his sights...
Motocross Kids
A man is reluctant to tell his fiancee that his parents, uncle and brother are dwarfs.
Seattle, 1974. Ted Bundy gives into his violent passions and embarks on a cross country killing spree, leaving a trail of raped, tortured, murdered,...
Ted Bundy
The gang is invited to Logan's dad's mansion for spring break, only to find out they are being used for testing a new reality show called "Gender...
Zoey 101: Spring Break-Up