Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt return as heads of the Baker family who, while on vacation, find themselves in competition with a rival family of eight...
Cheaper by the Dozen 2
In her many years as a social worker, Emily Jenkins believes she has seen it all, until she meets 10-year-old Lilith and the girl's cruel parents....
Case 39
Three juvenile delinquents arrive at a correctional center and are put under the care of an experienced guard.
Dog Pound
Young spy Harriet Welsch crosses paths with popular student Marion Hawthorne as the two girls vie to become the official blogger of their high school...
Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars
Max, an angel in exile, walks around the United States to help humans. In a small town in Maine, he meets a young woman without a family named Sally....
When Angels Come to Town
On the last working day of Sheriff Wayne, his small town is attacked by blood thirsty ravens that eat human flesh. Meanwhile his wife Cynthia visits...
When Nick gets amnesia, it's up to Sandy and Buddy the reindeer to save him and Christmas.
Snow 2: Brain Freeze
Navy SEAL Shane Wolfe is handed a new assignment: Protect the five Plummer kids from enemies of their recently deceased father -- a government...
The Pacifier
Middleton prepares for its bicentennial, and Grey House is to be the party venue. Good witch Cassie is remodeling it as B&B. her first and only...
The Good Witch's Garden